News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Banking Royal Commission reveals trust deficits in financial institutions

Speaking at a CEDA event in Brisbane on how major Australian corporates are repositioning in the wake of the Royal Commission into Banking and Financial Services, AustralianSuper Group Executive, Paul Schroder has shared ten truths about trust. Read more…


WA releases blueprint for Healthcare future

Speaking on the release of Western Australia’s Sustainable Health Review Final Report in Perth, Independent Panel Chair, Robyn Kruk AO has said that unless sustainability drivers are put into place and healthcare spending curtailed, healthcare will grow to be 38 per cent of the State budget by 2026-2027. Read more…


Bigger thinking needed to harness innovation

Innovation is not just about technology and technological development, it’s also about people and ambition, Innovation and Science Australia CEO, Dr Charlie Day said at CEDA’s Chasing moonshots – culture, ambition and innovation event in Sydney. Read more…


Shifting expectations of the social CEO

Sustainability can no longer be considered a fringe issue beyond the remit of a CEO, according to Coca-Cola Amatil Group Managing Director, Alison Watkins. Read more…


Broken mental health system prompts Victorian Royal Commission

The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System will provide a blueprint for lasting change and help establish the state as a leader in mental health support systems, Victorian Minister for Mental Health, the Hon. Martin Foley told a CEDA event in Melbourne. Read more…


Stronger laws and ethical principles needed for technology

The debate of AI and ethics is one that the world needs to have, because unless you have law, only ethical people will behave ethically, Microsoft President, Brad Smith told a CEDA audience in Canberra. Read more…


South Australia riding a new wave of confidence: Marshall

South Australian Premier, the Hon. Steven Marshall told CEDA’s Economic and Political Overview (EPO) event in Adelaide that a new sense of confidence is permeating the entire state. Read more…


Making conscious decisions now to strengthen the budget will avoid abrupt and painful future adjustments

“If we make conscious decisions now to strengthen the budget, grow the economy and protect our social compact, we can avoid abrupt and painful adjustments in the future,” CEDA Chief Economist Jarrod Ball has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Australia a world leader in managing energy evolution

The world is watching closely as Australia’s energy market is fundamentally changing, according to Australian Energy Market Operator Managing Director and CEO, Audrey Zibelman. Read more…


Lack of trust between community and politicians driven by lack of narrative and vision

“One of the reasons for the lack of trust is because the politicians have difficulty constructing a narrative which encompasses everything they’re trying to do,” GRA Partners Chairman, the Hon. Eric Ripper AM has told a CEDA audience at the Perth Economic and Political Overview. Read more…


Total Pages: 84