News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Premier Gladys Berejiklian (then Treasurer) says New South Wales is leading the nation

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian (then Treasurer) addressed a CEDA audience and their guests during a mid-year economic update in Sydney, providing economic forecasts for 2016-17 and discussing recent asset recycling sales. Read more…


A regressive year for women: from abortion rights to Trump

The outcome of the US Presidential debate is evidence of how hard people – men and women – will fight to keep women out of leadership positions, lecturer and social commentator, Jane Caro has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Transport and housing key issues for Victoria

Infrastructure Victoria has highlighted three top priorities out of the 137 recommendations it has put forward to parliament as part of the state’s first ever 30-year infrastructure strategy, Infrastructure Victoria Chief Executive Officer, Michel Masson has told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


WA Opposition Leader Mark McGowan outlines 20-20-20 plan

WA Leader of the Opposition Mark McGowan has told a CEDA audience in Perth that, if elected, the Labor party plans to reduce the state’s expenditure by cutting senior public service salaries. Read more…


CEDA 2016: Year in review

2016 has been one of the most successful years in CEDA's 56 year history. Seven hundred and fifty members from Australia's leading businesses, organisations and academic institutions attended over 300 events. Read more…


Unconscious bias stalling gender progress

The greatest reason inequality between men and women exists in the workplace is due to unconscious bias and discrimination, Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Director, Libby Lyons has told a CEDA audience in Tasmania. Read more…


Tenacity and determination needed to deliver projects

Forming teams and partnerships is one of three important things for moving ideas and projects forward in adverse circumstances, Telethon Kids Institute Honorary Research Fellow, Dr James Fitzpatrick has told a CEDA Copland Leadership event in Perth. Read more…


Western Sydney ‘aerotropolis’ could boost economy and create jobs

The proposed Western Sydney Airport presents an opportunity to create an ‘aerotropolis’, Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure, the Hon. Paul Fletcher has told a CEDA audience in Parramatta. Read more…


Gender inequality is systemic problem

Economic security, violence against women and statistics of women in leadership are the three main areas where Australia is lagging in terms of gender equality, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins has told a CEDA audience in Brisbane. Read more…


Australia needs buffers to prepare for economic shocks

Despite economic uncertainty, Australians and business should not withdraw from the world, but must ensure the country has buffers in place to deal with future shocks, Reserve Bank of Australia Governor, Philip Lowe told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


Total Pages: 84