News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Australia's economic reform challenge

On November 17 former Australian Prime Minister the Hon. John Howard OM AC delivered CEDA's 2015 Annual Dinner address discussing the political and economic environment in Australia. Read more…


CEDA patron wins prestigious engineering award

Engineers Australia’s top national awards were announced this week with CEDA Patron, the Honourable Sir Eric Neal AC being awarded the prestigious Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal. Read more…


The role of universities in Australia’s future

“Public education in Australia is at an acute moment of drastic under-funding," University of Adelaide Vice Chancellor and President Professor Warren Bebbington has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide, speaking as part of a South Australian Vice-Chancellors panel. Read more…


China now the world's services centre

We will find out the future of the Chinese economy in the next five years, former Australian Ambassador to China, Dr Geoff Raby has told the Perth launch of CEDA's research Global networks: transforming how Australia does business. Read more…


Agribusiness big winner in free-trade agreements

“The signing of these free-trade agreements is coming at a time when the growing middle class of China is starting to have a genuine impact on global demand and consumption patterns,” Commonwealth Bank Managing Director Industrials, Food, Beverage and Agriculture, Peter McGregor has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


The NDIS is a platform for innovation

“Don’t think of the National Disability Insurance Scheme as another government-controlled scheme: think of it as a new national consumer-controlled marketplace with enormous growth potential,” NDIS Agency Chairman, Bruce Bonyhady AM told a CEDA audience. Read more…


At last, a mature climate change debate

“South Australia is demonstrating to the other states that you can take action on climate change and still enjoy economic growth,” South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill told a CEDA forum on climate change ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015. Read more…


WA Annual Resources Overview 2015

A line-up of industry leaders share their insights on the current landscape and future predictions for WA's most important sector at a time of significant upheaval and uncertainty. Watch videos from the event below. Read more…


Q & SA: Industries of the future

CEDA welcomes back Tony Jones as part of our Shaping the Future of SA ongoing series, to facilitate a critical discussion on driving jobs within the key sectors of the SA economy. Watch videos from the event Read more…


Queensland 2015 State of the State address

The Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Premier of Queensland presents CEDA's 2015 State of the State address in Queensland. Read more…


Total Pages: 84