News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Perth to become a science and innovation hub

“Australia produces about three to four per cent of the new knowledge generated annually around the world, from a population that’s only 0.3 per cent of the world’s total,” Western Australia Chief Scientist, Professor Peter Klinken told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Government has an ethical obligation to provide the best services to users

Government has an ethical obligation to provide the best services to users, Digital Transformation Office (DTO) CEO, Paul Shetler has told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


Start-ups cannot wait for government: UBER

Start-ups cannot wait for government otherwise they will take their business somewhere else, UBER Australia and New Zealand General Manager, David Rohrsheim told a CEDA audience in Brisbane. Read more…


Sydney must embrace diversity and polycentricity

Cities need to become easier to live in for women, Committee for Sydney Chair, Lucy Hughes Turnbull AO has told a CEDA event in Sydney. Read more…


Vintage people – like vintage wines and vintage cheddar

“Re-framing ageing involves people thinking differently about valuing people’s whole lives and not just the years before some arbitrary use-by date”, Council on the Ageing South Australia Chief Executive Jane Mussared said. Read more…


Integration key to electronic health system

The missing link in developing an effective e-Health system is integration, former Victorian Minister for Health and Western Health Chair, the Hon. Bronwyn Pike has told a CEDA event in Melbourne. Read more…


Australia must innovate to remain competitive

International competition is the biggest threat to Australia’s LNG industry, APPEA Advisory Board Chairman and former Federal Minister for Resources and Energy, the Hon. Martin Ferguson AM has told a CEDA event in Perth. Read more…


Solar will generate Queensland's next economic boom

"I think the next great round of investment in Queensland will be utility-scale solar," Origin Energy Managing Director Grant King told a CEDA audience in Brisbane. Read more…


Economic address by RBA Deputy Governor

RBA Deputy Governor Dr Philip Lowe gives a keynote address on economic conditions and prospects in the Australian economy. Read more…


Retirement income system must be transparent and consistent

Reducing the retirement gap between men and women needs to be a key focus, Federal Opposition Treasurer, the Hon. Chris Bowen has told the launch of CEDA’s research The super challenge of retirement income policy in Sydney. Read more…


Total Pages: 84