News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

We must plan for the future: NSW Premier

There are real challenges in the Federation that need to be resolved, NSW Premier the Hon. Mike Baird has told CEDA’s State of the State in Sydney ahead of the leaders retreat with the Prime Minister and state premiers. Read more…


South Australia needs to set its sights high: Andrew Cole, Oz Minerals

South Australia can be if we so choose, a globally recognised city, Oz Minerals Managing Director and CEO Andrew Cole has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Federal Government committed to education reform

The Federal Government remains committed to its higher education reforms, Federal Education and Training Minister, the Hon. Christopher Pyne has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Improving the drivers of diversity and equity

“Equality means business,” said Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Senior Adviser of Trade and International Affairs, Dr Imogen Reid. Read more…


Federal Government committed to education reform:Federal Education and Training Minister, the Hon. Christopher Pyne

The Federal Government remains committed to its higher education reforms, Federal Education and Training Minister, the Hon. Christopher Pyne has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


State of the Nation: Disruption is the new normal - Federal Department of Finance Secretary, Jane Halton AO PSM

Disruption is the new normal and Australia will need to maintain its flexibility if it is to adapt to workforce changes coming due to digital disruption, Federal Department of Finance Secretary, Jane Halton AO PSM has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


State of the Nation: Industry must embrace future

Transformation always occurs in the economy and it must be embraced, Federal Minister for Industry and Science, the Hon. Ian Macfarlane has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


State of the Nation: Disruption is the new normal

Disruption is the new normal and Australia will need to maintain its flexibility if it is to adapt to workforce changes coming due to digital disruption, Federal Department of Finance Secretary, Jane Halton AO PSM has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


State of the Nation: Senate system not broken - Senator Mitch Fifield

“The Senate is the most misunderstood of all Australia’s 15 legislative chambers,” Manager of Government Business in the Senate, Senator the Hon. Mitch Fifield has told CEDA’s 2015 State of the Nation conference. Read more…


State of the Nation: Services key to international competitiveness

Australia’s national prosperity - the challenges, the response, and the opportunities were outlined by the Federal Treasurer, the Hon Joe Hockey at CEDA’s 2015 State of the Nation conference. Read more…


Total Pages: 84