News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Leadership needs rethink

Australians need to think differently about power and leadership, Author and Social Leadership, Director, Geoff Aigner told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


OPINION PIECE: Post boom needs long-term reform agenda

This opinion piece by CEDA, Chief Executive, Professor the Hon. Stephen Martin was published online by The Australian Financial Review on 6 September, 2013. Read more…


WA energy market has flaws: Nahan

Taxpayers and companies pay for the high cost of electricity and gas, according to the WA Minister for Energy, Finance, Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, Mike Nahan. Read more…


Manufacturers ignore marketing and social media at their peril

The successful public campaign to save 67-year old South Australian family business, Spring Gully Foods, shows that manufacturing companies need to get in touch with their consumers through marketing and social media, a CEDA forum has heard in Adelaide. Read more…


Culture change needed for workplace wellbeing

Australian businesses need to create a culture of open and honest discussions about mental health a CEDA forum in Melbourne heard. Read more…


Government failed trust and competency test: Greiner

The Labor Party lost the election months ago, according to Former NSW Premier and CEDA Governor Nick Greiner. Read more…


Asia Pacific will be economic superpower by 2025

By 2025 the economy of the Asia Pacific region will be bigger than North America and Western and Central Europe combined, IBISWorld Founder and Chairman, Phil Ruthven has told a CEDA audience in Newcastle. Read more…


Oil and gas industry must innovate

Innovation is the key to maintaining Australia’s standing in an increasingly competitive global oil and gas market according to Arrow Energy Chief Executive Officer Andrew Faulkner. Read more…


There are no outstanding political leaders today: Bob Hawke

Former prime minister Bob Hawke has criticised current political leaders while speaking at the West Australian launch of CEDA’s latest publication, Setting Public Policy. Read more…


Same policy hurdles will exist after 7 September election

The next government will continue to face the same issues when it takes office, an audience was told at the state launch of CEDA’s latest publication Setting Public Policy. Read more…


Total Pages: 84