News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Education to fuel a productive economy

Gonski is about the moral imperative, not just the money, Ministerial Committee on Ageing (NSW), Chair and Gonski Review of Funding for School Education, Panel Member, Kathryn Greiner AO has told CEDA’s State of the State 2013 conference. Read more…


Domestic gas reservation and high project costs top energy discussion

Retrospective domestic gas reservation policies were ruled out but increased regulation and prospective gas reservation were both raised during CEDA’s State of the Nation 2013 energy options and security discussion. Read more…


SA should harness potential renewable energy industries

South Australia is sitting on a goldmine of potential renewable energy industries, Climate Change Commissioner, Professor Tim Flannery has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Mining boom to mind boom

It’s time we reimagined what Australian made could look like because Australia’s future success will not come from the same industries that made us successful in the past, Microsoft Australia, Managing Director, Pip Marlow told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Educated workforce essential for productivity gains

Innovation Australia, Chair, David Miles AM has told CEDA’s State of the Nation 2013: “An educated, skilled workforce is essential for innovation performance (because) such a workforce is able to generate and implement new ideas.” Read more…


Shift in reform expectations required

Productivity Commission, Chair, Peter Harris AO told CEDA’s State of the Nation 2013 it’s time to alter Australia’s national expectations of reform. Read more…


Hard decisions needed to make health system sustainable

“There needs to be a comprehensive response to attempt to make our health system sustainable into the future,” Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing, Peter Dutton told CEDA’s State of the Nation. Read more…


Time for talk is over, we need action: Conway

The time for talking is over and action is now needed on gender equality, Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Director, Helen Conway told a CEDA forum in Hobart. Read more…


Reform and innovation to keep health system sustainable: NSW Health Minister

The new localised public health system must be innovative, accountable and encourage teamwork in order to effectively serve patient needs, NSW Minister for Health Jillian Skinner has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


NAB and Woodside chairman says education and innovation are vital for economic growth

National Australia Bank and Woodside Petroleum Chairman Michael Chaney has told a CEDA audience in Perth that the long election campaign has caused a “perfect storm” for consumer confidence and growth of the Australian economy. Read more…


Total Pages: 84