News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

WA: Opportunity to pioneer new food and energy production systems

Western Australia has the potential to become the Saudi Arabia of the 21st century, replacing Australia's oil imports of $40 billion per annum with algae oil produced in an area the size of a sheep station, a CEDA forum has heard in Perth. Read more…


OPED: Australia's competitiveness: Perception and reality

Extracts of this opinion piece by CEDA Chief Executive, Professor the Hon. Stephen Martin were published in the Australian Financial Review on 30 May 2013. Read more…


Handbrake on SA economy must be released

Government must reduce the cost base of the South Australian economy to kick start it after it stalled in the last two quarters of 2012, State Opposition Leader Steven Marshall has told a CEDA forum in Adelaide. Read more…


VIC infrastructure spend from operating surplus not debt

While surpluses are forecast over the forward estimates, “building for growth” in Victoria will require strong fiscal management and expenditure control, Victorian Treasurer Michael O’Brien has told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


SWAN: Fiscal policy is not an end in itself

The unusually high Australian dollar has given the export economy a beating, leaving the government no choice but to take a softly-softly approach to rebalancing the Federal Budget, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer Wayne Swan has told a CEDA forum in Brisbane. Read more…


WONG: Budget balance must be long term project

Balancing the Federal Budget with an austerity regime would have reduced jobs and growth on a scale seen in Europe after the Global Financial Crisis, Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Penny Wong has told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


Super system not adequate for the future

Australia's superannuation system is not adequate to support an ageing population and will require significant reform if it is to sustain the economy, a CEDA audience in Sydney heard. Read more…


Public school principals must have autonomy to compete with private schools

Public schools must become like private schools with autonomy for principals to tailor their schools to local needs if Australia is to reverse the decline of the public school system, a CEDA forum in Adelaide has heard. Read more…


SPEECH: Pre-budget address by Wayne Swan

In his only pre-budget address in 2013, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer the Hon Wayne Swan addressed a CEDA audience in Melbourne on 'Global forces, the dollar and the budget'. Read more…


VIC: Business as usual no longer an option for planning system

Victoria’s planning system cannot continue operating under a “business as usual” model if we are to accommodate the State’s growing population, a CEDA forum in Melbourne has been told this week. Read more…


Total Pages: 84