News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

PPPs enabling airports to embrace opportunity

Long term public private partnerships have enabled our airports to embrace opportunities in a growing and vibrant aviation sector, despite times of financial difficulty, Federal Department of Infrastructure and Transport, Deputy Secretary, Andrew Wilson told a CEDA forum in Melbourne. Read more…


Business success with China requires understanding beyond culture

Doing business with China is not just about understanding culture or language; successful corporations tailor their product to suit local markets, and Australian businesses need to adjust to this model, Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce, President, Khoon Tan told a CEDA forum in Perth. Read more…


Australia's international ranking on competitiveness

Speech delivered by Professor the Hon Stephen Martin at the Export Council of Australia/Shipping Australia Limited Seminar: Building competitiveness in our export and maritime industries on Friday 24 Read more…


Perspectives on competitiveness - is Australia losing the edge?

Speech delivered by Professor the Hon Stephen Martin at the 7th Annual Skilling Australia and Workforce Participation Summit on Monday 27 August Read more…


Australia’s mindset must change if productivity is to improve

There is an urgent need to change Australia’s mindset as productivity is being hindered by a negative culture, Linfox Logistics, CEO, Michael Byrne, has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


Research funding must boost commercialisation to secure Australia’s biotechnology industry

If the nation’s globally focused biotechnology industry is to thrive, Australian governments must secure existing programs to promote commercialisation of research, an expert panel has told a CEDA forum in Adelaide. Read more…


Smaller classes and critical thinking the future of universities says new Uni of Adelaide VC

Traditional universities will need to offer a premium teaching model to compete in a networked computing age in which many courses can be delivered cheaply online, says the University of Adelaide’s new vice chancellor, Professor Warren Bebbington. Read more…


Hockey outlines Coalition plans after the mining boom

Improving Australia’s productivity and boosting business confidence would be the key objective of a Coalition Federal Government, Shadow Treasurer the Hon Joe Hockey told a CEDA business forum in Adelaide. Read more…


Government network to give women a leg up the management ladder

While women hope they will succeed in the workplace on merit, workforce statistics show women continue to face structural barriers, a Women in Leadership forum hosted by CEDA in Adelaide has heard. Read more…


Skills migration necessary for WA’s investment pipeline

For WA to realise the economic potential of its investment pipeline, the skills gap must be addressed through both training and migration, an expert panel has told a CEDA forum in Perth. Read more…


Total Pages: 84