News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

MEDIA RELEASE: Full review of Australia’s irrigated food supply needed

CEDA's latest report calls for a full review of the food supply chain for irrigated agriculture, to ensure Australia can take advantage of increasing international food demand. Read more…


Australia’s labour market must become more flexible and competitive

To lift Australia’s productivity, the labour market must become more flexible and competitive, University of New South Wales, President and Vice Chancellor, Professor Fred Hilmer told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


Success in the Asian Century requires planning now

If Australia is to extract maximum value from Asia’s new found economic position, planning needs to happen now, Insurance Australia Group (IAG), Managing Director and CEO, Mike Wilkins told a CEDA audience in Brisbane. Read more…


Public transport should be self-funded and sustainable

The ideal public transport model is self-funded and sustainable, such as the Mass Transit Railway in Hong Kong, KDR Gold Coast, Managing Director, Vivienne King, has told a CEDA forum in Brisbane. Read more…


VIDEO: Campbell Newman's State of the State address

Watch the YouTube video of Campbell Newman's address at CEDA's QLD State of the State forum on 19 September. Read more…


NEWMAN: Good government before good politics

Job cuts don’t make for good politics, but we place the notion of good government well ahead of good politics, Premier of Queensland, Campbell Newman told a CEDA audience in Queensland. Read more…


Innovation is key to infrastructure investment

South Australian companies will look for innovative ways to deliver infrastructure projects as market uncertainty prevails, a CEDA forum in Adelaide has heard. Read more…


New international banking won’t drive interest rates up

New international banking regulations, designed to improve banks’ resilience in times of financial stress, will help to prevent another Global Financial Crisis (GFC), regulators have told a CEDA forum in Adelaide. Read more…


Australia must look to nuclear and other techno-fixes

Australia must develop advanced nuclear power technologies and other carbon-free technologies if it is to tackle climate change and meet its growing energy needs, a CEDA audience in Adelaide has heard. Read more…


MEDIA RELEASE: Billions at stake if governments fail to manage unconventional gas development

Billions of dollars in investment and thousands of jobs are at stake unless governments can find the right balance between meeting community expectations and allowing industry to progress unconventional gas developments, CEDA’s latest policy perspective has found. Read more…


Total Pages: 84