News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Labour markets needs flexibility for older workers

Older workers will need the right to request workforce flexibility if Australia is to meet its future labour market needs, the latest work and life survey from the University of Adelaide’s Centre for Work and Life shows. Read more…


Infrastructure NSW: 20 year State Infrastructure Plan released

On 3 October, Infrastructure NSW (INSW) released its 20 year strategy at a CEDA event in Sydney, which includes more 70 recommendations for the 20 years that will add $50 billion and create 100,000 jobs for the State. Read more…


Australian resource sectors must stay competitive

With demand from China flattening, Australia’s resources sector need to stay competitive with skills and taxation reform, Queensland Resources Council, CEO, Michael Roche heard a CEDA forum in Brisbane. Read more…


Smart electricity meters would help consumers manage bills and reduce pricing pressure

Smart electricity meters and high summer peak tariffs must be introduced in Australia to help even out demand for electricity and reduce pressure on prices, AGL Chief Economist and Group Head of Corporate Affairs, Professor Paul Simshauser has told a CEDA forum on energy and hardship in Adelaide. Read more…


New home grants available for all in SA

For the first time, a housing construction grant of $8500 to build a new home or apartment will be available for not only first home owners but for everyone, announced SA Premier, Jay Weatherhill at a CEDA forum in Adelaide. Read more…


Mining investment: Regulatory certainty and reducing production costs key

South Australia has a chance to build its mining industry in a way that fosters other industries rather than cannibalises them while the Olympic Dam expansion is “on hold”, a CEDA mining forum has heard. Read more…


Promote women for business survival

CEOs must tackle pervasive gender bias and find ways to promote women if their businesses are to survive skilled workforce shortages and reach consumers, SA business leaders told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Workplace flexibility: Time to walk the talk

Business leaders and board members have to “walk the talk” to make their workplaces more flexible and to retain a broad range of staff in an era of labour force shortages, a CEDA forum in Adelaide has heard. Read more…


Tasmania-US relationship strong in wake of opportunities in Asia

The opportunities that arise with the emergence of the Asian century won’t come at the expense of Tasmania’s relationship with the US, Premier of Tasmania, Lara Giddings told a CEDA audience in Hobart at Tasmania’s State of the State forum. Read more…


Financial system inquiry needed

While the financial regulatory system in Australia is not broken, the Wallis Inquiry of 1997 was designed for a different era and the blueprint is out of date, Deloitte Access Economics, Partner, Professor Ian Harper has told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


Total Pages: 84