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Information paper - Macroeconomic policy: avoiding the cliff

In the first paper in the CEDA Council on Economic Policy Economic Recovery Series, Professor Percy Allan and The Hon. Dr Craig Emerson consider the need for new macroeconomic policy to avoid the 'cliff' marked by the end of the Federal Government's initial support measures in September Read more…


Opposition's vision for Western Australia

As we head towards the 2021 state election, join WA Opposition Leader, Liza Harvey, to discuss her vision for WA. Read more…


Regulating AI will take ambition and global cooperation

SAS Chief Privacy Strategist Europe and Asia-Pacific, Kalliopi Spyridaki, writes that to effectively regulate artificial intelligence, countries need to start small, think big and work together. Read more…


Australia must innovate to remain competitive

International competition is the biggest threat to Australia’s LNG industry, APPEA Advisory Board Chairman and former Federal Minister for Resources and Energy, the Hon. Martin Ferguson AM has told a CEDA event in Perth. Read more…


Information paper - Never let a crisis go to waste: social policy opportunities from COVID-19

This CEDA paper by social policy experts from the Life Course Centre, led by Janeen Baxter, looks at how the COVID-19 pandemic has brought opportunities to address long-standing problems in health, labour markets, the tax and transfer system, gender, education, housing and criminal justice. Read more…


Reimagining workplace mental health

PwC Director, Economics and Policy, Dr Sharon Ponniah and Strategy& Partner, Damien Angus write that organisations are recognising their growing responsibility to ensure the mental health and wellbeing of their employees.  Read more…


Australia must reduce superannuation fees: State of the Nation 2014

Reducing superannuation fees would benefit Australia’s economy, Treasury Executive Director Macreconomic Group, David Gruen has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


Information Paper 80: Australia's Diaspora: Its Size, Nature and Policy Implications

Australians choose to live and work overseas in ever-greater numbers. But so long as we encourage enough Australians to eventually return, we will experience a beneficial "brain circulation" rather than a damaging "brain drain". Read more…


Repairing social housing to repair the economy

Arup Principal and Australasian Cities Leader, Dr Tim Williams, presents a costed proposal for a major new program of investment in repairing and upgrading Australia's ageing social housing stock. Drawing on his experience as a key housing adviser to the UK government during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, Dr Williams says this proposal could improve living standards, support the environment and provide a massive, targeted boost to the economy.  Read more…


Australia needs buffers to prepare for economic shocks

Despite economic uncertainty, Australians and business should not withdraw from the world, but must ensure the country has buffers in place to deal with future shocks, Reserve Bank of Australia Governor, Philip Lowe told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…
