News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

PM committed to PPL: Assistant Education Minister

The Federal Government's Paid Parental Leave scheme will not disappear according to the Assistant Minister for Education, the Hon. Sussan Ley. Read more…


Australia has a structural budget problem: Secretary to the Treasury

“We are at a juncture where our decisions over the next few years can help shape our future for the next decade and beyond,” Secretary to the Treasury, Dr Martin Parkinson PSM, told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Chinese iron ore demand and AUD will lift: Bill Evans

China's housing sector is in bad condition but its demand for iron ore will increase, helping to ease pressure on Australia's iron ore exporters, Westpac Chief Economist, Bill Evans told a CEDA audience in Brisbane . Read more…


Recessions are inevitable, it’s how you manage them that matters: Glenn Stevens

"The question to ask isn't how you can go another 20 years without a recession, it's how you can have small ones and get out of them quickly," RBA Governor, Glenn Stevens has said at CEDA's 2014 Annual Dinner in Melbourne." Read more…


Focus on infrastructure in Northern Australia to facilitate opportunities: the Hon. Warren Entsch

“Infrastructure has been significantly neglected in Northern Australia over an extensive period of time,” Joint Select Committee on Northern Australia Chair and Federal Member for Leichhardt, the Hon. Warren Entsch, told a CEDA forum in Perth. Read more…


Video of CEDA's 2014 highlights

CEDA continued to go from strength to strength in 2014, one of the most successful years in CEDA's history, confirming CEDA's place at the forefront of public policy discussion. Here are some highlights from 2014. Read more…


Time for change in Federation: former High Court Judge

Former High Court Judge, the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG has told a CEDA audience that while Australia's Federation has worked well, the Federal Government recognises something must change to keep the Federation working. Read more…


Businesses must employ outside the box: Federal Minister for Social Services

"The Government is determined to build a welfare system that is simplified, more nimble and more targeted in its supportive interventions," Federal Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Kevin Andrews, told a CEDA forum in Melbourne." Read more…


Beyond the production line – advanced manufacturing, innovation and industry policy

Speech delivered by CEDA Chief Executive, Professor the Hon. Stephen Martin at the Advanced Manufacturing Summit in Sydney on 11 November 2014. Read more…


Public sector cuts required to repair budget: Tasmanian Premier

Tasmania must focus on its strengths in agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, mining and tourism to expand the economy but public sector cuts are required to repair the budget deficit and finance essential services, Premier the Hon. Will Hodgman has told CEDA's State of the State in Hobart. Read more…


Total Pages: 84