News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Fixing GST redistribution is dead simple: Colin Barnett

Fundamental reforms need to be made to GST distribution based on population, according to WA Premier, the Hon. Colin Barnett. Read more…


Infrastructure industry must innovate and secure foreign investment

The infrastructure industry must innovate and look overseas for investment and planning ideas, a CEDA audience in Brisbane has heard. Read more…


Existing renewables investments will not be changed: Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane

Existing investments in renewables such as solar and wind farms will not be threatened if the Federal Government changes the renewable energy target (RET) Federal Industry Minister, the Hon. Ian Macfarlane has told a CEDA audience in Sydney . Read more…


Aligning Austrade and Tourism Australia will help tourism industry

The Federal Government's alignment of Austrade and Tourism Australia will help increase international opportunities for the tourism industry, Coalition Policy Committee on Tourism Chair and Federal Member for Bennelong, John Alexander OAM has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


Tasmanian State Budget lays the foundations for the future, says Treasurer

“We have a growing but fragile economy,” Tasmanian Treasurer and Minister for Planning and Local Government, the Hon. Peter Gutwein, has told a CEDA audience in Tasmania . Read more…


Business best placed to lead economic growth: Glenn Stevens

Business is best placed to lead Australia's economic growth as governments look to strengthen their balance sheets and households manage high debt to income ratios, Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Governor, Glenn Stevens has told a CEDA forum in Adelaide. Read more…


Women are “pioneers” who fight professional stereotypes every day: The Hon. Anna Bligh

“Women are pioneering the economic and social shift in today's society”, the Hon. Anna Bligh told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


AMA proposal good for doctors but not Government savings: Dutton

While the Australian Medical Association's co-payment plan would benefit doctors, it wouldn't help Government savings, according to Federal Health Minister, the Hon. Peter Dutton. Read more…


Developing nations need more than words from G20 tax reform

Article by Professor Kerrie Sadiq on tax reform, as discussed in her recent chapter of CEDA's G20 report, originally published by The Conversation. "An often overlooked priority is ensuring developing nations benefit from the G20's tax agenda, she says. Read more…


Federal budget mixed bag for Victoria

Premier Denis Napthine has described the Federal Budget as a "mixed bag" for Victoria at CEDA's State of the State event in Melbourne. Read more…


Total Pages: 84