News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Perfect storm for energy networks: Sustainable Energy Association Chief Executive

A "perfect storm" is driving change in the Australian energy network according to Sustainable Energy Association of Australia Chief Executive, Kirsten Rose. Read more…


Australia and Japan: Competition, interdependence and cooperation

“The Australia-Japan relationship has defied prediction in positive ways,” Australian Ambassador to Japan, Bruce Miller, told a CEDA forum in Perth. Read more…


Premier's new vision for SA: the place where people and business thrive

The Government’s new vision for South Australia draws upon a new brand for the state, Premier the Hon. Jay Weatherill has told CEDA’s Shaping the Future of SA event in Adelaide. Read more…


SA Premier announces top 10 economic priorities

SA Premier the Hon. Jay Weatherill announced the State's top 10 economic priorities to shape the future of the State at a CEDA forum in Adelaide. Mr Weatherill's announcement follows the release of a report by the Economic Development Board in SA. Read more…


The mining industry is leading the world in automation

“The mining industry has led the world in automation”, Duke University Director of the Humans and Autonomy Laboratory, Professor Mary Cummings has said at a CEDA event in Brisbane. Read more…


Australia must reduce superannuation fees: State of the Nation 2014

Reducing superannuation fees would benefit Australia’s economy, Treasury Executive Director Macreconomic Group, David Gruen has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


Asset recycling key to fund required infrastructure

The NSW Government needs a mandate to fund and implement the State's infrastructure needs, NSW Premier, the Hon. Mike Baird has told CEDA's State of the State forum in Sydney. Read more…


Queensland is Australia’s economic powerhouse: Jeff Seeney

Queensland is the economic superpower of Australia and is expected to outperform all other states in 2015-16, Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning the Hon. Jeff Seeney told CEDA's Queensland Economic Development Forum. Read more…


Every SA Government board and committee to be abolished

The South Australian Government is implementing some changes in an effort to open up new opportunities for the state and remove barriers for development, the CEDA's annual SA State of the State forum has heard. Read more…


Successful and sustained global economic growth requires a ‘learning society’: Stiglitz

International economist and Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz told a CEDA economic forum in Sydney that "successful and sustained global economic growth requires creating a learning society". Read more…


Total Pages: 84