News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

John Phillips AO

CEDA was saddened by the passing of John Phillips AO, former Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank and long-standing member of CEDA's Board of Governors. Read more…


Record funding to make Sydney ‘fit for the future’

“Planning across Sydney has become disjointed, and doing nothing is no longer an option,” NSW Minister for Planning, the Hon. Pru Goward, told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


Rebalancing government in Australia to save our federation: Terry Moran

Federation in 1901 is now the middle point between 2014 and the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. Despite this, most views of federation, if Australians have one at all, are probably shaped by its 19th century imagery - dusty, whiskery elderly men in overly formal dress - rather than its 20th century outcomes. Read more…


Another Tenterfield needed to drive reform

With the 125th anniversary last Friday of Henry Parkes's oration calling for the formation of an Australian federation and the federal government's Reform of the Federation white paper process under way, we need another Tenterfield moment to engage the imagination of Australians about what our federation should look like in the future. Read more…


Mining sector faces significant price volatility

Most commodity prices have fallen from their record high peaks, a CEDA audience heard in Perth. Read more…


Transformation, not incremental reform needed: SA Health Minister

To meet SA’s future health challenges, sector transformation rather than incremental reform is needed, Minister for Health, the Hon. Jack Snelling has told a CEDA event in Adelaide. Read more…


Economic growth built on consultation

Economic growth is built on consultation and developing long-term policies, State Opposition Leader, the Hon. Daniel Andrews has told a CEDA audience in Melbourne . Read more…


State asset leases could generate $37b for Queensland: Premier Newman

The Newman Government will seek a mandate to lease some of the State’s water, energy and port assets at the 2015 State Election, Queensland Premier, the Hon. Campbell Newman told a CEDA audience in Brisbane . Read more…


East West Link is the missing link in Melbourne’s arterial road network: the Hon. Terry Mulder

“It’s a great day for Victoria with a project like (the East West Link) finally being signed off,” Victorian Minister for Public Transport and Roads, the Hon. Terry Mulder, told a CEDA audience in Melbourne . Read more…


Higher education funding changes required to remain globally competitive: Universities Australia Chair

Australia's higher education sector is strong and globally competitive, but funding changes are required if the sector is to remain strong and globally competitive, James Cook University Vice Chancellor and President, and Universities Australia Chair, Professor Sandra Harding has told a CEDA forum in Adelaide . Read more…


Total Pages: 84